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Geographic Information Systems

DES provides services, products, consultation, and training related to Geographic Information Systems (GIS), including the collection, organization, evaluation, and display of spatial and temporal data for governmental agencies, non-profit organizations, and businesses in commercial, industrial, agricultural, financial, environmental, health care, public safety, and emergency management areas.



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"Thoughtful database design and customized front-end utilities improve efficiency, reliability, and readiness to inform."


DES provides expert consultation and cost-effective assistance in the design, population, and management of systems to store geospatial, temporal, and linked attribute data sets. Thoughtful database design and customized front-end utilities improve efficiency, reliability, and readiness to inform. Typical services include:

​• Geodatabase design and system optimization

• Information sourcing, retrieval, and compilation

• Data conversion, standards development/conformance

• Geographic unit conversion and data transformation

• Data validation, quality control, and quality assurance

• LiDAR point cloud extraction, conversion, and manipulation

• Digital Terrain and Surface Model creation from LiDAR

• Geospatial Transformation and Load (GTL) of data

• Capture and refinement of GPS and Remote Sensing data

• Digitization/Attribution of vector data from raster sources

• Scanning/Attribution of vector and raster data from maps


"DES applies a wide range of statistical and other analytical techniques to data that has a spatial aspect in order to derive meaning and extract value for our clients."


The ability to efficiently store and explore large amounts of data, examine characteristics, and derive relationships spatially is what distinguishes GIS from other information systems. DES applies a wide range of statistical and other analytical techniques to data that has a spatial aspect in order to derive meaning and extract value for our clients. We utilize off the shelf software and customized analytical techniques, to improve the state of the art while effectively probing to discover the nature and working of things. Typical data analysis activities performed for our clients include:

​• Vector overlays and raster map algebra

• Spatial correlation, interpolation, and pattern analysis

• Uncertainty and margin of error data evaluation

• Geocoding, routing, tracking, navigation, and drive time

• Spatial queries, classification, and data analytics

• Topographic analysis of gridded and triangulated surfaces

• Automation of complex workflows as models or scripts

• Image feature detection, extraction, and measurement

• Multi-site location, proximity, travel time, and buffering

• Site suitability through line-of-sight and view-shed creation 

• Identification of point clusters, hot spots, and outliers

• Advanced coding with Python and ESRI Model Builder

• Spatial statistics using R with ArcGIS, QGIS, and GRASS

"DES expertly employs GIS to address real-world issues... applications are limitless, and the value of finding timely and accurate answers for our clients is substantial."


DES expertly employs GIS to address real-world issues related to the environment, agriculture, public works, business, climate, health, government, society, real estate, insurance, communication, utilities, and transportation. The list goes on, applications are limitless, and the value of finding timely and accurate answers is substantial. Here are a few examples of GIS solutions recently developed for clients by DES:

​• Identification of impacts to a wild and scenic river

• Demographic analysis for voter registration potential

• Wetland extents/muck depth surface map for siting

• Sitie configuration for lake and wetland slough creation 

• Cut, fill and cost evaluation for on-site disposal area siting 

• Basin delineation and hydrologic model parameterization

• Flood inundation mapping and flood risk determination

• Soil and habitat maps for environmental management plan

• HOA infrastructure inspection, reporting, and mapping

• Ditch bank failure flood impact and inundation mapping

• Online map of voters based on census and proprietary data

"...we convey ideas with clarity and consistency,
through production of traditional printed mapping
products as well as a variety of static and interactive
digital map, report, and map-atlas products."


Spatial data and important relationships can be depicted in countless ways. DES provides consultation and assistance to effectively convey ideas with clarity and consistency, through production of traditional printed mapping products as well as a variety of static and interactive digital map, report, and map-atlas products. Our clients can select from a set of standard map products or choose to work with our staff to develop custom templates for  a single map, an atlas, or even a subscription to a series of map updates.

​• Conventional (paper) map and report products

• Digital maps and report products

• Interactive web-based maps

• Map atlas products

General reference maps

• Thematic raster and vector maps 

• Topographic line and relief maps

• Navigation maps

• Cadastral maps

• Metadata and map information

• Map conversion products

• Subscription map services

• Hosted map services

• Managed GIS and publishing services

©2023 by DeLoach Engineering Science

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