Computing, data science, technology
DES applies trusted, leading edge technologies to serve clients in many different arenas. We utilize a range of proprietary, open source, and commercially-available software to perform computations and to manage and manipulate spatial and temporal data. We develop efficient algorithms, construct effective work flows, and create custom scripts, tools, and programs to address unique project requirements. Through our investment and extensive training in computing, data science, and technology, DES encourages innovation, contributes to technological advances, and develops novel, cost-effective solutions.

"...while adept at working with data to understand drivers and relationships, we are equally effective in communicating with our customers to understand perspectives and needs."

DES works proficiently with all types of large and small data sets to help our customers wrap their arms around information and solve problems. Our team applies many tools to accomplish this work including R, Tableau, Python, Hive, Impala, Excel, and SQL. Importantly, while we are very adept at working with data to understand drivers and relationships, we are equally effective in communicating with people to understand perspectives and needs. Both skills are essential to undertaking and completing the process of discovery. The most common tasks undertaken include:
​• Data location, retrieval, manipulation, and mining
​• Data analysis, pattern recognition, trend identification
​• Data simplification, visualization, and reporting
​• Algorithm development, testing, and optimization
​• Model conceptualization, testing, and proofing
​• Event occurrence, probabilities, and prediction
​• Dashboard design, development, and deployment
​• Data analytics presentation and infographic design
"Our computing experience and code-writing expertise allows us to create and navigate the path that best meets our client's objectives with available data resources."
When existing available solutions cannot directly meet client needs, our staff develop robust, customized software, tools, and utilities to perform a wide range of data management, environmental simulation, spatial processing, planning, map and report automation, and other technical and administrative tasks. Our computing experience and code-writing expertise (using Python, C++, Visual Basic/.NET, R, and other scripting languages) allows us to create and navigate a path that meets our client's objectives with available data resources. Computing and coding examples include:
​Simulation software authored or co-authored by DES staff
Storm event hydrologic and hydrodynamic analysis
Continuous integrated surface+groundwater modeling
Stormwater pollutant loading and removal evaluation
Custom tools and utilities developed on various platforms
Pond design w/ wave run-up, seepage, and evaporation
Water budget/balance evaluation and planning tools
Historical rainfall, evaporation, and ET analysis
Material cut, fill, disposal balance and cost estimation
Damage reduction benefit-cost and financial analysis
Python-based tools and custom scripting utilities​
Flood inundation/reduction mapping and difference tool
Hydrologic flow path and Tc calculator
Community urbanization calculator
Shared polygon edge generator
Assimilate polygon dangles
Historical time-series data table creator
Custom Geodatabase relationship Quality Control tool
2D to 3D line conversion using linear interpolation

Need a customized tool or a library of utilities for data management, automation of repetitive tasks, or simulation of a complex process?
contact us
"While we apply tried and true methods to cost-effectively accomplish our clients' objectives, we do not hesitate to embrace new technologies as they come on line."

While we apply tried and true methods to cost-effectively accomplish our clients' objectives, we do not hesitate to embrace new technologies as they come on line. This enables us to improve efficiency and return value to our customers. When tools are not available or are insufficient for our needs, we develop the technology necessary to accomplish our work.
DES has decades of experience in the effective use of commercial and government-sponsored environmental simulation software. In addition, our staff co-authored a storm event hydrologic and hydrodynamic model (CHAN) and a unique integrated surface and groundwater model for event and continuous simulation (Aquarian Watershed Simulation Model, or AWSM). We also developed proprietary software for watershed-scale pollutant loading/removal analysis and for 2-D groundwater modeling.
DES was an early adopter of GIS as being integral to our daily work, and has developed expertise with industry standards in commercial (ArcGIS), government-sponsored (GRASS), and open source (QGIS) software. By embracing Open Source software and developing tools that were previously only available at a premium in the commercial space, we are able to provide lower-cost data processing solutions to our clients.
DES continues to seek out new techniques and advancing technologies as they become available. These include cost-effective use of cloud data storage for content management, utilization of virtual machines for heavy computation workloads, and application of new and evolving languages to promote more efficient data management, more effective spatial and temporal queries, and improved computational algorithm performance.
We offer services in the following general areas.
Select a service area to read more and please contact us to let us know how we can assist you.